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Saamgestelde voer vir braaikuikens, Compound feed for broilers

Saamgestelde voer vir braaikuikens, Compound feed for broilers
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Saamgestelde voer vir braaikuikens, Compound feed for broilers - photo 1 Saamgestelde voer vir braaikuikens, Compound feed for broilers - photo 2 Saamgestelde voer vir braaikuikens, Compound feed for broilers - photo 3 Saamgestelde voer vir braaikuikens, Compound feed for broilers - photo 4
Renewed: 28 September 2023, 07:29 ID: 24521
wholesale price
from $350/ton
Delivery terms: EXW Dnipro
Atriumm, ООО Dnipro, UA
Flagma member since 28 September 2023
Гресь Александр Александрович


Ons maatskappy produseer gebalanseerde voer vir die grootmaak van pluimvee. Een van die belangrikste gebiede is die produksie van voer vir die grootmaak van braaikuikens. Baie jare se ondervinding en samewerking met groot braaikuikenplase het dit moontlik gemaak om die mees doeltreffende resep vir braaikuikenvoer te skep. Die maatskappy is geleë op die grondgebied van Oekraïne, wat dit toeganklik gemaak het vir alle hoë-gehalte komponente.
Sluit in:
1. Koring
2. Sojaboon- en sonneblommeel
3. Mielies
4. Semels
5. Alle nodige minerale en vitamiene.
Die gebruik van ons voer maak dit moontlik om 'n karkas binne tot 60 dae maklik tot slaggewig te laat groei.
Ons verskaf 'n laboratoriumverslag vir elke bondel.

Our company produces balanced feed for raising poultry. One of the most important areas is the production of feed for raising broilers. Many years of experience and cooperation with large broiler farms made it possible to create the most effective recipe for broiler feed. The company is located on the territory of Ukraine, which made it accessible to all high-quality components
1. Wheat
2. Soybean and sunflower meal
3. Corn
4. Bran
5. All necessary minerals and vitamins.
Using our feed makes it possible to easily grow a carcass to slaughter weight in up to 60 days.
We provide a laboratory report for each batch.

The owner of the ad has the most up-to-date information.

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Atriumm, ООО Dnipro, UA
Works by Flagma since 28 September 2023
Гресь Александр Александрович
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Гресь Александр Александрович
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Atriumm, ООО Гресь Александр Александрович, Директор
Saamgestelde voer vir braaikuikens, Compound feed for broilers
$400/ton ID: 24521
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