Mohale N., 21 years old, Empangeni | Secondary education
part time
Work experience: 3 years, Right hand man for mechanic, INSTU construction , Empangeni, Dedicated in whatever I am doing, only rest when the job is done.
I focus on the task at hand, strong physical and mentally.
Nkosi S., 40 years old, Vryheid | Secondary education
looking for job in Johannesburg, any schedule
Work experience: 6 years, Site supervisor, Steeledale Reinforcing Industry, Germiston, Quality control experience, planning, Rebar cutter and main bender.
Philani M., 38 years old, Johannesburg | Secondary education
willing to relocate, any schedule
Work experience: 3 years, Warehouse clerk, Galencia properties , Johannesburg, I am an energetic, enthusiastic, healthy motivated, and trustworthy worthy person who is resourceful in the work environment. I really enjoy working with people and very passionate in every work i am assigned to.
Buthelezi S., 40 years old, Johannesburg | Higher education
looking for job in Pretoria, willing to relocate, any schedule
Work experience: 14.5 years, Mixer Operator, KXT Investment , Kempton Park. Education: Phomolong Secondary , High school , Kempton Park 2010 - 2014, Quite person, loves watching English premier league, rugby and cricket.
Логвиненко В., 68 years old, Sumy, UA | Higher education
looking for job in Cape Town, willing to relocate, any schedule
Work experience: 22 years, Мастер обработки рыбы, База Океанрыбфлота, Петропавловск Камчатский. 18.5 years, Инженер технолог, Витязь Авто, Петропавловск Камчатский. 3 years, Главный технолог, Рыбная фирма Океане, Тбилиси. Education: Дальрыбвтуз, инженер технолог рыбной промышленности и хозяйства, Петропавловск Камчатский 1973 - 1978, Занимаюсь...
Zulu S., 22 years old, Grahamstown | Incomplete higher education
part time
No work experience. Education: Rhodes university , I have no specializations., Grahamstown 2021 - 2021, I am a first year student at university studying towards a psychology degree. I enjoy being outdoors mostly and taking nature walks. I have a love for reading books and I am bilingual, very fluent in English trying, to learn a third language....
Vasilchenko Y., 42 years old, Kyiv, UA | Higher education
looking for job in Cape Town, willing to relocate, any schedule
Work experience: 14.5 years, Сварщик аргонщик TIG 141, Частный бизнес,промышленность, Другие страны. Education: Харьковский Политехнический Университет, Компьютерная инженерия, Харьков 2010 - 2019.
Шумихин Д., 41 years old, Horishni Plavni, UA | Higher education
looking for job in Cape Town, Kimberley, Pretoria, Rustenburg, Sasolburg..., any schedule
Work experience: 6.5 years, Механик, Strabag, Warszawa. 9 mo., Механик, Phub Piotr Pawlica, Olsztyn. 1.5 years, Сервисный инженер, Компания " Юромаш", Горишние Плавни. 3.5 years, Мастер контрольный, Ferrexpo (Еристовский горно-обогатительный комбинат), Горишние Плавни. 4.5 years, Слесарь по ремонту большегрузных автомобилей ( CATERPILLAR,...
Лисаченко М., 34 years old, Harsewinkel, DE | Secondary education
looking for job in Cape Town, remotely
No work experience, - Работаю со следующими CMS: Joomla Helix3 Framework, OpenCart, WordPress, osCommerce, ShopCMS, MODx, Drupal, самописные CMS. Могу разобраться с чужим кодом.
- Обновление версий CMS до последней актуальной версии включая обновление или адаптацию...