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Meat in South Africa

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Frozen meat mutton, lamb, beef
R 1/kg
We produce frozen meat: beef, bull, mutton, lamb and goat.
23 Jan
We sell chilled and frozen chicken meat (1.1-1.6 kg)
We sell chilled and frozen chicken meat (1.1-1.6 kg) on ​​CIF terms. Original Ukraine and Poland
15 Jun 2024
Turkey turkey meat
Wholesale price
R 2.66-2.70/kg
Export of frozen and chilled turkey and turkey carcasses. Highest quality, all products are certified, the full package of documents. Export from Ukraine to any country in the world. ‎ Olena
4 Dec 2018
Vacuum coppers KV-4.6 zh4-FPA for meat and bone meal
Vacuum coppers KV-4.6 zh4-FPA for meat and bone meal - photo 1
Vacuum coppers KV-4.6 zh4-FPA for meat and bone meal - photo 2
+3 photo
Vacuum coppers KV-4.6 zh4-FPA for meat and bone meal - photo 3
Price on request
Vacuum coppers KV-4.6 zh4-FPA for meat and bone meal For utilization and processing of biowaste, fish, eggs, skins, meat and bone raw materials and production of fodder flour, fish, blood, meat and bone with separation in the boiler of fat
16 Jul 2024
Wholesale Halal Buffalo Boneless Meat/ Frozen Beef Frozen Beef cow meat Goat beef meat for
R 3/kg DAP
Key Specifications/ Special Features: Whole Cow Beef Body, Bone marrow, Carcass, Hind leg, Lead leg, Liver, Muscle, Organ, Tail, Buffalo, meat tem value Type Beef Style FROZEN IQF Feature Nutritious, Glucose, Vitamins Packaging Bulk Part Muscle Brand Name Custom Product
+5 ads
23 Feb 2024
Frozen Halal Beef Meat Boneless Beef In Bulk
R 3/kg DAP
Key Specifications/ Special Features: Silver Side, Thick Flank, Top Side, Rump Steak, Shin Shank; Trimmings, Fore Quarter Rolls, Thick Flank, Knuckle, Rump Steak, Strip Loin, Thick Flank, Blade, Brisket Chuck; Neck; Heart, Liver, Kidney, Tongue, Tail, Cheek Meat, Omasum Hind Quarter Cuts (Topside,
+5 ads
23 Feb 2024
Red King Crab
Red King Crab When you order the largest and most impressive of all crabs caught in the world, Alaska King Crab, you’ll taste the unmatched flavor, quality, and texture. It’s the most sought-after of the three Alaskan Crab species and popular with people who love seafood. Perfect for your next
+1 ad
10 Feb
Broiler chicken carcass
Broiler chicken carcass - photo 1
Broiler chicken carcass - photo 2
+2 photo
Broiler chicken carcass - photo 3
We sell chicken products in bulk! We invite you to cooperate! We will quickly organize uninterrupted deliveries to your company! New meat processing plants with good capacities! Fast speed of interaction with the customer! Our company will provide you with a personal manager! All our products
24 Dec 2024
Charcoal-burning machine/ Charcoal production
Charcoal-burning machine/ Charcoal production - photo 1
Charcoal-burning machine/ Charcoal production - photo 2
+6 photo
Charcoal-burning machine/ Charcoal production - photo 3
251,850/equipment set
Charcoal-burning machine Charcoal combustion complex is designed for processing of wood waste: dust, sawdust, chips - into high quality charcoal. In the future, the charcoal can be used for the production of charcoal briquettes, for roasting meat and barbecues, for the production of activated
25 Jan 2024
Ross broiler chickens for sale
Price on request
Ross broiler chickens for meat at an affordable price now available. Place your order now for fast an safe delivery to your address. Whatsapp;
+7 ads
15 Nov 2022
700 Cattles, Red Angus Bred Heifers and bull calves for sale
700 Cattles, Red Angus Bred Heifers and bull calves for sale - photo 1
700 Cattles, Red Angus Bred Heifers and bull calves for sale - photo 2
+2 photo
700 Cattles, Red Angus Bred Heifers and bull calves for sale - photo 3
R 7,000/pc
Livestock and fowls breeding we are number in producing quality alive animals for dairy, beef and leather purpose. We are a South Africa wide distributor of live Pregnant Holstein Heifers Cattle, Sheep, Cattle, Lambs, pigs , piglet , goats of all kinds. Type 1: Pregnant Holstein Heifers Weight:
10 Oct 2022
Rhode Island Red chickens for sale
R 60/pc
Rhode Island Red’s originated from America and are known as a ‘dual purpose’ chickens. This means they can be raised for either eggs or meat. They are one of the most popular backyard chicken breeds because they are tough and lay lots of eggs. Eggs: You should expect a young Rhode Island Red to lay
+3 ads
24 May 2021
Sussex chickens for sale
R 80/pc
Like the Rhode Island Red, the Sussex is a ‘dual purpose’ hen  which means they can be raised for either eggs or meat.   Eggs prod Capacity: This chicken breed lay over 250 eggs a year.
+1 ad
10 Mar 2021
Our lobster are sold fresh live and frozen in raw tails and meat. as well as whole ( either blanched or fully cooked ) . These warmwater lobster will be smooth and have a spotted, greenish shell. Spiny lobster have a soft texture, delicate flavor and are frequently marketed as warmwater
+1 ad
10 Feb
Rhode island red chickens for sale
Price on request
If you are interested in a dual purpose chicken, then I will recommend the rhode island red chickens as they are well known to lay large quantity of eggs and good for meat. Whatsapp;
+7 ads
15 Nov 2022
Sussex chicken for sale whatsapp
R 60/pc
Like the Rhode Island Red, the Sussex is a ‘dual purpose’ hen which means they can be raised for either eggs or meat. Eggs: A Sussex is easily capable of laying 250 eggs a year. Whatsapp contact;============== visit our website:===============
+3 ads
24 May 2021
Sussex chickens
R 80/pc
Like the Rhode Island Red, the Sussex is a ‘dual purpose’ hen  which means they can be raised for either eggs or meat.   Eggs prod Capacity: This chicken breed lay over 250 eggs a year.
+1 ad
10 Mar 2021
Frozen Lobster Tails, Frozen Lobsters, Frozen Shrimps, Vannamei Shrimp
R 3/kg DAP
Key Specifications/ Special Features: The Lobster is a rich source of protein. When cooked, the black stripes on the shell turn bright red and the meat inside turns white. It has a delicate, slightly sweet flavour, and a meaty, succulent texture Sizes: 400/600, 600/800, 800/1000, 1000/1200,
+5 ads
23 Feb 2024
Jersey giant chickens for sale
Price on request
The Jersey giant chickens are best know for their quality meat and are considered one of the biggest chickens in the poultry business. Place your order now Whatsapp;
+7 ads
15 Nov 2022
Red Brahman cattle for sale
R 6,500/pc
Red Brahmans cow have been the best meat towards the South African stud and livestock industry, it is described as the most use meat. Whatsapp contact;============== visit our website:===============
+3 ads
24 May 2021
Buy Fresh Atlantic Salmon Online
R 3/kg DAP
Key Specifications/ Special Features: Frozen Food - Chum Salmon Species Name: Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta), also called Keta, Chub, or dog salmon. Geography: Southern California to Mackenzie River in the Arctic, as far south as Honshu, Japan. Seasonality: June to September for wild fresh.
+5 ads
23 Feb 2024
Dual Purpose Day Old Chicks For Sale
Price on request
When you want eggs and meat from the same source, have a look at our one-day-old dual-purpose chicks. These chickens may not specialize in meat or egg production, but when it comes to delivering the best of both worlds, they’ll keep your family happy at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Call/Whatsapp:
+7 ads
15 Nov 2022
Boer goats for sale whatsapp
R 1,000/pc  
wholesale R 800-900/pc
The Boer goat is a breed of goat that was developed in South Africa in the early 1900s for meat production, and its has been the best goat meat so far. Whatsapp contact;============== visit our website:===============
+3 ads
24 May 2021
Fresh Salmon Fish / Salmon From Norway - 100% Export Quality Salmon Fish
R 3/kg DAP
Key Specifications/ Special Features: Frozen Food - Chum Salmon Species Name: Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta), also called Keta, Chub, or dog salmon. Geography: Southern California to Mackenzie River in the Arctic, as far south as Honshu, Japan. Seasonality: June to September for wild fresh.
+5 ads
23 Feb 2024
Day Old Chicks For Sale
Price on request
Exceptional eggs and the highest-quality chicks result when birds live as they were naturally meant to—free-range, able to spread their wings and happily roam. When you order day-old chicks from our family of hatcheries, you can rest assured that you’re getting healthy one-day-old chicks from the
+7 ads
15 Nov 2022
Frozen seafood natural Silversides fish for food
Frozen seafood natural Silversides fish for food - photo 1
Frozen seafood natural Silversides fish for food - photo 2
Frozen seafood natural Silversides fish for food - photo 3
R 10/kg DAP
Key Specifications/ Special Features: Key Specifications/ Special Features: Frozen Food - Chum Salmon Species Name: Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta), also called Keta, Chub, or dog salmon. Geography: Southern California to Mackenzie River in the Arctic, as far south as Honshu, Japan. Seasonality:
+5 ads
21 Feb 2024
Broiler finisher pellets for sale
Price on request
Feeding Recommendations: Feed to birds from day 22 to slaughter. Feed dry, ad libitum Each bird consumes approximately 2.85kg of feed during this period of time. Feature Use of quality raw materials for increased digestibility and carefully balanced energy as well as amino acids and minerals for
+7 ads
15 Nov 2022
Broiler Day Old Chicks For Sale
Price on request
These chickens are bred for meat production, with their ability to proliferate and provide the highest-quality meat in appearance and taste. The day-old chicks of broiler breeds we offer are among the most sought-after meat producers and, of course, are all bred and hatched at our family-owned and
+7 ads
15 Nov 2022
60cm (4-5 birds) chicken feather plucker for sale
Price on request
This brand new Chicken Plucking Machine is a tub style chicken plucker made from stainless steel and lined with yellow rubber fingers, appropriate for removing the feathers of medium and larger birds such as chicken, turkey, duck and goose. Now this upgraded plucker includes wheels for no
+7 ads
15 Nov 2022
Сухе знежирене молоко (СЗМ), 1, 5%, ДСТУ
Wholesale price
from $2.50/kg FCA
Сухе знежирене молоко (СЗМ), 1,5%, експорт. Сертифікати, EUR 1, Halal. Виробництво України. Сухе молоко 1,5% жирності. Масова частка молочного білка 32-34% Кислотність 17 Виробляється з знежиреного молока шляхом висушування на сушарці розпилювального типу. Відповідає вимогам ДЕРЖСТАНДАРТ 33629-2015
23 Dec 2024
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