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Drink milk powder 26% fat content

Drink milk powder 26% fat content
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Drink milk powder 26% fat content - photo 1 Drink milk powder 26% fat content - photo 2 Drink milk powder 26% fat content - photo 3 Drink milk powder 26% fat content - photo 4 Drink milk powder 26% fat content - photo 5 Drink milk powder 26% fat content - photo 6 Drink milk powder 26% fat content - photo 7 Drink milk powder 26% fat content - photo 8 Drink milk powder 26% fat content - photo 9 Drink milk powder 26% fat content - photo 10 Drink milk powder 26% fat content - photo 11 Drink milk powder 26% fat content - photo 12 Drink milk powder 26% fat content - photo 13 Drink milk powder 26% fat content - photo 14 Drink milk powder 26% fat content - photo 15 Drink milk powder 26% fat content - photo 16
Posted: 18 January 2025, 14:34 ID: 25282
Delivery terms: EXW Alicante
VacaBlanca, SL Alicante, ES
Flagma member since 11 February 2024
Lyubimov Leonid


Dear ladies and gentlemen,
Our company Invago Costablanca S L is located in the province of Alicante of the Valencian community , Benidorm city .
We have created a Vacablanca project and a website where you can get acquainted with the project!
We suggest you consider buying Powdered milk of 26% fat content packaged in sachet-type sachets of 25 grams.
This is a new product and very interesting. It is convenient to use and store at room temperature for 2 years. No more opening large packs and taking some from there , thinking about how to store this powdered milk! The main thing is that it contains all the useful qualities and Vitamins necessary for a child and an adult , and even more than in a regular one . High-quality milk for you and your children!
We will be glad to cooperate with you!
Our contact phone number r write on Whatsapp


Product code
0402 21 11
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VacaBlanca, SL Alicante, ES
Works by Flagma since 11 February 2024
Lyubimov Leonid
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Lyubimov Leonid
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VacaBlanca, SL Lyubimov Leonid, Alicante
Drink milk powder 26% fat content
$0.40/piece ID: 25282
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